堂上面的行為簡直萌炸了 XDDD
醋!你覺悟吧!!中年會比正垃圾萌十倍喔!!喔呵呵呵呵呵~~~~ (錯哂)
堂上面的行為簡直萌炸了 XDDD
醋!你覺悟吧!!中年會比正垃圾萌十倍喔!!喔呵呵呵呵呵~~~~ (錯哂)
8 月 26 日 CWHK 24 ‧爆笑惡搞前傳為你強勢發行!
位置: G5
眼鏡をはずす夜 by 雪
偽裝紳士的我 by aya
經ALTADOR CUP一役之後,近來還是忙到 vomit bubbles,根本沒時間打 BLOG... OTZ
星期 1,3,5 早上學日文、中午做義工,為了「慳錢」兩個字每日要由佐敦行返屋企,近 ST. MARY'S條奪命行人路同火車站那條焗到你暈的路,真係行到你嘔泡。
近來掉進了 cosplay這個巨坑,錢、錢、錢還是錢,你全身是用錢堆成的,試問怎可能胡亂用錢?
現在還要籌錢去 5D GATHERING,大拿拿 $120,可以買個wig 了
COS 預定:
漫節 DAY 3 ------ 碎蜂多布版 XD
CW 24 ----- 忍足 (男+女)
螢祭 (或者 CW 24順道) ----- 翠星石
就這樣 ^ ^
這東西是在Neopes 個 Message Board那裡找到的
天啊,我竟然中了幾樣 OTZ
#1) You make a Neopian article entitled "You know you have played yooyuball to much when... "
#2) When you're going to sleep you count yooyuball's instead of sheep
#3) All you can spell in class is "GOAL"!
#4) when your rank is in the double digits at your yooyuball badge
#5) When you ask a random stranger what team they're on.
#6) You run around in the mall holding a sign that says "(insert team here) will win"
#8) When you purposely pass the clockwork yooyus to the other team and laugh when they blow up!
#9) when someone asks you what your favorite sport is, you say: Yooyuball.
#10) when u get fall asleep and your fingers are still playing.
#11) When you start humming the "theme" song.
#12) the only Asian word you know is Skenkuu.
#13) Every few hours you sleep you Yell "goal!" in your sleep and run around the house.
#14) When you start explaining Yooyuball to your friends and they think your crazy.
#15) When you call soccer yooyuball.
#16) when you start a conversation with some one and end up yelling that your team will win.
#17) You know you have played Yooyuball too much when you put fire on your soccer ball hoping it would make it go faster.
#18) That you are too concentrated on this article that you didn't notice that there was no number 7
#19) When you score in soccer, you expect the ball to unfold and cheer.
#20) When you go to a real soccer match and secretly expect flames to shoot from your head when you start cheering.
#21) You wake up and run to the computer to see how many goals you can make before your parents start complaining.
#22) When everytime you blink, you see GOOOOAAAALLLL!!!!
#23) When you yell at your friend a couple of minutes before your biggest exam saying "WHY DIDN'T YOU PLAY YESTERDAY?!"
#24) When you walk out of a football match, because it's been three minutes.
#25) When your football team losses and you say "I'm not submitting this score"
#26) When you walk into McDonald's and see somebody drop a milkshake you scream, 'YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE ONE MORE LIFE!'
#27) You take your keyboard to a soccer game and start hitting to keys quickly,waiting for the crowd to scream.
#28) When you only read about two of the reasons and you go off to play yooyuball before coming back and reading some more.
#29) When you finally realize you missed dinner...9 hours later.
#30) When Your playing soccer with your friends and poke them to change the player.
#31) When your schedule for the day is
* 1am - 7pm-Play yooyuball
* 7pm - 7:30pm-Think about yooyuball
* 7:30pm - 7:31pm-eat
* 7:31pm - 12:59am play more yooyuball
* 12:59pm - 1am-sleep
#32) When the phone rings and your mom is asking you to answer you say "yeah, ok mom, just give me 2 minutes and 5 seconds...4..3..2.."
#33) When you prefect holding food in your mouth so that your hands are free.
#34) When you create a " Yooyuball " Playlist on your iPod specially designed to "inspire" you.
#35) When you start training your pet to roll up like a ball when you play with it.
#36) when you wake up and run to the computer to see how your team did.
#37) When you invent a brand new computer/toilet combo chair to save time...
#38) you get hospitalized for getting tendonitis in your wrists and fingers, and then you complain because you can't play any Yooyuball
#39) When you check your rank and the page tells you to take a break while they invent a new rank.
#40) When your mom tell you to go out and exercise you take your laptop with you.
#41) When you put your Yooyuball's team players names on your car in -non-removable- paint.
#42) you put a yellow shirt on a lizard and pinch it so it screams.
#43) you sneak a laptop to school so you can play Yooyuball whenever your teacher isn't looking.
#44) you can recite what the Graal and Ixi announcers say
#45)you write a lengthy book explaining strategies and secrets of yooyuball.
#46)When you work out how many pixels there are in every player.
#47) When you're playing soccer, you keep expecting the center of the field to open up and a ball to come out.
#48)You say "one second" more times than you are forced to explain to your dog that you can't walk it because you're busy beating the stuffing out of the other team.
#49) You try bargaining with the referee so he gives you more time.
#50) When you can play Yooyuball with your toes.
#51) when while reading this article you have another window and you are playing yooyuball calling it multi-tasking.
#52) When you own voodoo dolls representing the opposite teams, "just in case it works."
#53)When you kick a purple soccer ball in the wrong direction, thinking that it will go into the net.
#54) When you kick a soccerball and it swirves to the side while your opponent gets it and you yell "Stupid Mutant!" and they just stare at you.
So there you have it, if you notice that you are guilty of any of these then rest assure, you have been playing yooyuball too long.
我想我還是無藥可救的了 OTZ
這東西是在Neopes 個 Message Board那裡找到的
天啊,我竟然中了幾樣 OTZ
#1) You make a Neopian article entitled "You know you have played yooyuball to much when... "
#2) When you're going to sleep you count yooyuball's instead of sheep
#3) All you can spell in class is "GOAL"!
#4) when your rank is in the double digits at your yooyuball badge
#5) When you ask a random stranger what team they're on.
#6) You run around in the mall holding a sign that says "(insert team here) will win"
#8) When you purposely pass the clockwork yooyus to the other team and laugh when they blow up!
#9) when someone asks you what your favorite sport is, you say: Yooyuball.
#10) when u get fall asleep and your fingers are still playing.
#11) When you start humming the "theme" song.
#12) the only Asian word you know is Skenkuu.
#13) Every few hours you sleep you Yell "goal!" in your sleep and run around the house.
#14) When you start explaining Yooyuball to your friends and they think your crazy.
#15) When you call soccer yooyuball.
#16) when you start a conversation with some one and end up yelling that your team will win.
#17) You know you have played Yooyuball too much when you put fire on your soccer ball hoping it would make it go faster.
#18) That you are too concentrated on this article that you didn't notice that there was no number 7
#19) When you score in soccer, you expect the ball to unfold and cheer.
#20) When you go to a real soccer match and secretly expect flames to shoot from your head when you start cheering.
#21) You wake up and run to the computer to see how many goals you can make before your parents start complaining.
#22) When everytime you blink, you see GOOOOAAAALLLL!!!!
#23) When you yell at your friend a couple of minutes before your biggest exam saying "WHY DIDN'T YOU PLAY YESTERDAY?!"
#24) When you walk out of a football match, because it's been three minutes.
#25) When your football team losses and you say "I'm not submitting this score"
#26) When you walk into McDonald's and see somebody drop a milkshake you scream, 'YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE ONE MORE LIFE!'
#27) You take your keyboard to a soccer game and start hitting to keys quickly,waiting for the crowd to scream.
#28) When you only read about two of the reasons and you go off to play yooyuball before coming back and reading some more.
#29) When you finally realize you missed dinner...9 hours later.
#30) When Your playing soccer with your friends and poke them to change the player.
#31) When your schedule for the day is
* 1am - 7pm-Play yooyuball
* 7pm - 7:30pm-Think about yooyuball
* 7:30pm - 7:31pm-eat
* 7:31pm - 12:59am play more yooyuball
* 12:59pm - 1am-sleep
#32) When the phone rings and your mom is asking you to answer you say "yeah, ok mom, just give me 2 minutes and 5 seconds...4..3..2.."
#33) When you prefect holding food in your mouth so that your hands are free.
#34) When you create a " Yooyuball " Playlist on your iPod specially designed to "inspire" you.
#35) When you start training your pet to roll up like a ball when you play with it.
#36) when you wake up and run to the computer to see how your team did.
#37) When you invent a brand new computer/toilet combo chair to save time...
#38) you get hospitalized for getting tendonitis in your wrists and fingers, and then you complain because you can't play any Yooyuball
#39) When you check your rank and the page tells you to take a break while they invent a new rank.
#40) When your mom tell you to go out and exercise you take your laptop with you.
#41) When you put your Yooyuball's team players names on your car in -non-removable- paint.
#42) you put a yellow shirt on a lizard and pinch it so it screams.
#43) you sneak a laptop to school so you can play Yooyuball whenever your teacher isn't looking.
#44) you can recite what the Graal and Ixi announcers say
#45)you write a lengthy book explaining strategies and secrets of yooyuball.
#46)When you work out how many pixels there are in every player.
#47) When you're playing soccer, you keep expecting the center of the field to open up and a ball to come out.
#48)You say "one second" more times than you are forced to explain to your dog that you can't walk it because you're busy beating the stuffing out of the other team.
#49) You try bargaining with the referee so he gives you more time.
#50) When you can play Yooyuball with your toes.
#51) when while reading this article you have another window and you are playing yooyuball calling it multi-tasking.
#52) When you own voodoo dolls representing the opposite teams, "just in case it works."
#53)When you kick a purple soccer ball in the wrong direction, thinking that it will go into the net.
#54) When you kick a soccerball and it swirves to the side while your opponent gets it and you yell "Stupid Mutant!" and they just stare at you.
So there you have it, if you notice that you are guilty of any of these then rest assure, you have been playing yooyuball too long.
我想我還是無藥可救的了 OTZ
各位有沒有掛念我呢? XD
最少到現在我還沒有記好…… OTZ
還有的是我決定漫節去DAY 2喔~
會出 BLEACH的碎蜂ˇ (多布版 XDDD)
近來因為要玩 Neopets的阿塔都盃 (Altador Cup),已經弄得好幾天廢寢忘餐 OTZ
可見 Neopets Team 那句 "please do remember to sleep occasionally" 的說服力是等於0的 XDDD
這東西在 7月4日完,我還有成個月唔駛訓喔ˇ (←其實不值得高興)
希望ECA DAY不要在 7月4日-7月5日就好了.....
(因為7月5日要補眠 XD)
還有之前去看了 Pirates of the Caribbean,超級好看!!!
最後有一幕是有關準將的死,結果因為弄得太唯美,所以我忍不住大爆笑 XDDDD (喂)
話說回來,我真是愈來愈萌喜歡 Captain Jack Sparrow 了ˇ
我一定要敗Pirates of the Caribbean的小說!!!!
最後是6/6的中文 ORAL
各位有沒有掛念我呢? XD
最少到現在我還沒有記好…… OTZ
還有的是我決定漫節去DAY 2喔~
會出 BLEACH的碎蜂ˇ (多布版 XDDD)
近來因為要玩 Neopets的阿塔都盃 (Altador Cup),已經弄得好幾天廢寢忘餐 OTZ
可見 Neopets Team 那句 "please do remember to sleep occasionally" 的說服力是等於0的 XDDD
這東西在 7月4日完,我還有成個月唔駛訓喔ˇ (←其實不值得高興)
希望ECA DAY不要在 7月4日-7月5日就好了.....
(因為7月5日要補眠 XD)
還有之前去看了 Pirates of the Caribbean,超級好看!!!
最後有一幕是有關準將的死,結果因為弄得太唯美,所以我忍不住大爆笑 XDDDD (喂)
我一定要敗Pirates of the Caribbean的小說!!!!
最後是6/6的中文 ORAL
[01/18 Arnoldthaday]
[01/17 MichalNelo]
[01/17 ViktorianDake]
[11/09 Miltiades]
[11/08 Sotiris]